How do I place an order?
A: You can select the desired item(s) through our online store or mobile app, add it to your shopping cart, and then follow the checkout process to complete your order.
What information is required to complete an order?
A: To complete an order, you will typically need to provide basic information such as a shipping address, contact name, phone number, and email address. The specific information required will be noted during the checkout process
Can I customize my requirements?
A: Yes, please indicate your requirements when placing the order, we will make it according to your standards.
How to check the order?
A:After placing an order, you can check the logistics information on the website.
Can I modify the order content?
Answer: Unpaid items can be adjusted. Please contact customer service to modify the details after payment.
Q - I need my order ASAP, which shipping option should I choose?
A - If you have time limitations, we recommend you choose the express shipping option. Express shipping does require a signature upon arrival.